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The Southern Voices Programme aims to strengthen the capacity of the participant networks for advocacy and awareness-raising on climate change issues. During the start-up phase each network through a self-assessment will prepare a network capacity analysis, which will to pritoritize initiatives within the following key activity areas.

Network organisational development
The emphasis is on management, structures/decision-making, processes, procedures, information flow and accountability mechanisms. Also on expanding the networks membership, or on bridging the gap between urban policy NGOs and NGOs working with local communities. The application of analytical and advocacy tools on climate change-related issues is also of import.

Contextual understanding
Building well-grounded contextual understanding is key, particularly with regards to institutional and legal frameworks. Interpreting stakeholder analyses also plays an important role. Alliances with other actors including social organisations and indigenous peoples can also be considered.

Human resource development
By equipping individuals and organisations with greater understanding, skills and access to information, knowledge and training, the programme helps people and networks perform more effectively.

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Network Capacity Assessments

Network Capacity Assessment reports are elaborated by networks themselves. They serve to establish a baseline against which to plan capacity development activities and to measure our progress over time.

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