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logo-mjumitaMembership and structure
A well-established network of community groups involved in Participatory Forest Management (PFM), consisting of more than 500 forest user groups organized in 100 local area conservation networks. These local area conservation networks also include members of the Village Natural Resource Committees. The network provides a forum for capacity building, advocacy and communication for these groups. Mjumita is governed by a board, consisting of communities representing 6 geographical zones. The member groups meet on an annual basis to discuss issues relating to PFM, governance, REDD, and climate change and agriculture. Secretariat based in Dar es Salaam, and has established 6 offices in 6 zones. Mjumita Works closely with the Tanzania Forest Conservation Group in implementation of some projects.

Areas of work
Mjumita was established as a forum for communities to share experiences on participatory forest management and to engage in dialogue with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism on policy, legal and implementation issues. Key areas of focus is PFM, REDD, climate change, Improved agriculture, benefit sharing from REDD proceeds from community forest groups, and the issue of social and environmental safeguards in REDD. The Secretariat support capacity building of member groups to engage in advocacy to improve forest governance.

Examples of advocacy (2011-12)

  • Developed an advocacy strategy for communities to realize benefits of REDD in Tanzania.* Has provided recommendations to Government REDD and forest policies, and safeguards.
  • Mjumita has obtained representation in the Technical Working Group on Legal, Governance, and Safeguards.
  • Working with TV and press on illegal logging in Forest reserves – resulting in eviction of charcoal makers and other illegal loggers.
  • Has participated in the REDD+ exchange in UNFCCC in Bonn and Oslo.
  • Conducted training on climate change, REDD and advocacy to representatives of 30 community networks.
  • Participated at the UNFCCC COP17 and COP 18 conference in Durban and Doha respectively.
  • Mjumita engaged by the National REDD Task Force to undertake awareness raising at the national and local level on REDD+ and climate change.
  • Mjumita engaging local artists/musicians on creating awareness on REDD and climate change through REDD song.
  • 300 community members, government officials and other CSOs met in Mjumita annual forum to discuss about the link between climate change and agriculture.
  • Participated in formulating the National REDD+ Strategy and Action Plan.
  • Trained members of the Parliamentary Committee on Land, Natural Resources and Environment on REDD and Climate Change.
  • Participated in Radio program on PFM.
  • Presented about REDD+ Safeguards both nationally and internationally.
  • Showcased the MJUMITA/TFCG REDD project during COP17 and COP18.

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