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NCCK Logo 2015The National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK), established in 1913, is a family of Christian communions and Christian organisations.

NCCK's work on climate change

NCCK is mobilising faith communities to advocate for pro-poor legislations on climate change. 

The organisation has more specifically worked with climate change mitigation in the Mara ecosystem to promote the participation of local communities in land-use planning. NCCK has also promoted climate change adaptation among local communities in several Kenyan counties. 

Advocacy and Joint Principles for Adaptation

NCCK has recently developed a new influencing strategy for 2016-2017 with support from Southern Voices on Adaptation. The new objective has narrowed the geographical scope from four to two counties, and NCCK holds that adaptation policies and plans for the counties (Makueni and Bomet) reflect the recommendations of the JPA: the evidence from these two counties will be used as evidence for influencing the climate change adapatation mainstreamning processes across Kenya. 
The overall advocacy strategy targets the Kenyan Climate Change Bill 2014. The objective of the advocacy is to have the bill adopted by the Senate, assented into law by the President and implemented at the county level.
The Joint Principles of Adaptation (JPA) are guiding NCCK’s advocacy priorities with a main focus on principle A and E.

Principle A     The formulation, implementation and monitoring of plans is participatory and inclusive
Principle E

The resilience of groups who are most vulnerable to climate change is promoted.

NCCK seeks to ensure that multiple stakeholders participate in defining options and priorities; and that the people who are vulnerable to social, cultural, economic and environmental climate change induced conditions are identified and targeted.

Key achievements from advocacy work

NCCK has introduced the JPA at county and national level consultations with faith leaders.
NCCK has ensured that faith leaders are more aware of the climate change discourse in Kenya and encouraged them to form teams to follow up on the advocacy work at county levels.
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